Art Explorers in East Cambs (Arts & Minds)
Weaving a Walk - Haddenham Arts Centre, 17th August 10.30 - 12.30. FREE. Book Online.
For adults who need time for reflection or time out from being busy.
Enjoy a wander and learn to weave with natural materials in the grounds of our peaceful wildlife garden.
Run by a local experienced artist and weaver.
A series of mindful journeys with art and creativity
@arts_and_minds @mindsarts
For more information email or call
07803 300135
Pattern Journeys - Wicken Fen Nature Reserve, 21st August
either 10am - 12 noon or 1pm - 3pm. For families and individuals
to be creative following a short walk amongst the local wildlife.
Virtual workshop - Keith Haring and the Art of Doodling (join via
Zoom), 7th September 6pm - 8pm. For adults and families to get
creative without having to leave your home.
Patterns and Stories - The Kite Trust (Ely), 8th September 6pm -
8pm. For young people 18 - 24.